Friday, August 10, 2012

Playing catch up-a quick overview of the last seven months.

I didn't realize until today that my last post was December of last year. It's been somewhat of a crazy year.
January-we found out that we were expecting baby Mullen number two!
February and March-They were pretty low key for us. I was really sick during both months. 
April- my "all day" sickness finally subsided. We got to spend Easter weekend with my mom and step-dad, and got to see some really close friends and have dinner with them. It was a wonderful weekend.

May-We found out that we were having a girl!!

June- We celebrated Connor's third birthday.

July- Cary and Connor were in an accident on their way to church. I didn't feel well that morning so I stayed home. Good thing too! They were rear ended right in front of our church. Thankfully, God protected everyone. Cary and Connor were both fine and so was the girl that hit them. Our car ended up being totaled, but as always, God provided and we received enough money from the insurance company after our loan was paid off for a nice down payment on another car. We decided to upgrade a little with Chloe on the way and got a Honda CRV. I wish I had taken a picture of our Accord after the accident, but I forgot. Here is our new one. I LOVE the color!!

August-So far this month has been pretty quiet, but excitement is brewing. My brother's wife is due with their second child any day now. Cary's brother's wife is also expecting and is due next March. Cary's Starbucks is relocating across the street from where his current store is located. 

As you can see, we have had quite an eventful year with still more to come!


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