I have seen a few of my other mom friends use a profile type set up when posting about their kids and I like it much better. I think I will borrow it.
Favorite Foods: berries, apples, bananas, peanuts, chips, corn, oatmeal, grapefruit, tuna salad, cucumbers, nuggets, yogurt (he especially loves it if I'm eating it) Thankfully, he is a very healthy eater.
Foods he dislikes: green beans, peas, mushrooms. He is not a very picky eater and he will try anything once.
Favorite toys: leapfrog table, leapfrog Scout pal, blocks, kitchen
Favorite things to do: go outside, throw balls, bang on things, play peek-a-boo, try to get our phones (if he can reach it, it's in his hands), turn things on and off, especially the lights. Anytime we are holding him and we walk past a light switch he'll say "turn off" and he will watch the lights to make sure they go off when he flips the switch.
Favorite shows: Jeopardy, Price Is Right, Wheel of Fortune
Dislikes: time-out, being picked up when he wants to walk, being told he can't have something.
Things he is good at: helping pick up his toys, helping me put clothes in the washer, listening (most of the time), eating with a spoon/fork, drinking out of straw, brushing his teeth, brushing his hair
He is still sleeping really well, with one 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. He can say all of the words that he can sign, but he still does the signs when he says them. He has now learned how to climb onto the couch all by himself. He will wait until we walk out of the living room to do it so that he can try and get the remotes off of the end table. We have now had to teach that if we are not sitting on the couch, then he is not allowed to be on it either. He still likes to test us when we tell him no. His personality is really starting to come out more and more!
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