About five months ago, I asked Cary about us getting a chest freezer so that I could stock up on frozen veggies, fruit, and meats when the prices were good. I knew we could not afford it at the time, but I wanted to see how he felt about the idea. He was game for it, but not until we had the money for it. I decided to ask some friends and my mom about them and do some research for myself on prices and brands.
At the beginning of October, I asked Cary again if he thought we could get one and he told me that if I saved up the money for it, we could. So save I did!! In addition to my paychecks at Starbucks, I get tips every week. Starting the last week of September until a week ago, I saved. We usually save my tip money for going out to eat and for when we travel so we have money for food and gas and such. Since I was saving for the freezer, we didn't go out to eat, which we only go out like once a month anyway so it was easy to give up.
Once I saved all of my money, we went to Lowe's and Home Depot to see what they had. I looked at their websites, but sometimes what is online is not always what they have in the store. We picked one out at Home Depot and we remembered we had a gift card Cary's dad gave us, so that went towards the warranty part of the price. We purchased it and this past Tuesday, it was delivered! I was so excited to get it and we have already filled it!! Kroger is having a great sale on their frozen veggies this week and we bought our turkey for Thanksgiving next week.
I am so happy with it and it is a great investment for years to come as our family grows.
I decided to get this dry erase board to keep track of what we have in each freezer. That way, when we start to get low on something, I can watch for it go on sale again and stock back up. Plus, I can keep track of how long items have been in there so we can use them within the right time period.
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