I have really been slacking on my meal planning lately.
Monday- Thanksgiving leftovers Yum!
Tuesday- Turkey pot pie
Wednesday- Homemade pizza
Thursday- leftovers
Friday-Turkey noodle soup
Saturday-Turkey enchiladas
Sunday-Wepod dinner-Tacos
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Kroger, Target, and Food Lion Trips
Kroger Trip
Kroger is having another Mega Event. I love these almost as much as I do Super Doubles at HT, but not quite!
Total before savings $47.23
Total spent $9.93
Total saved $37.30
Here's what I got:
-6 boxes Kleenex tissue
-6 cans Carnation evaporated milk
-2 boxes Cheerios
-1 box Kashi crackers
-1 Degree deoderant
-1 (4ct.) pk. Colgate Wisp
-2 bags Pillsbury Grands biscuits
-2 bags Steamfresh frozen veggies
Target Trip

Total before savings $17.80
Total spent $1.04 (this was just taxes)
Total saved $16.76
Here's what I got:
-4 bottles Nivea Men's body wash (free)
Food Lion
I don't normally go to Food Lion or even check their sale ad. Their prices tend to be higher and they do not double coupons at all, but my friend's husband works there and she let me in on this deal!! We eat a lot of cheese so any time I can stock up on it and freeze it, I do!! Especially now that I have my chest freezer!!
Total before savings $30.17
Total spent $7.00
Total saved $23.17
Here's what I got:
-10 bags Kraft Touch of Philly shredded cheese (they were $0.66 a bag!!)
Kroger is having another Mega Event. I love these almost as much as I do Super Doubles at HT, but not quite!
Total before savings $47.23
Total spent $9.93
Total saved $37.30
Here's what I got:
-6 boxes Kleenex tissue
-6 cans Carnation evaporated milk
-2 boxes Cheerios
-1 box Kashi crackers
-1 Degree deoderant
-1 (4ct.) pk. Colgate Wisp
-2 bags Pillsbury Grands biscuits
-2 bags Steamfresh frozen veggies
Target Trip
Total before savings $17.80
Total spent $1.04 (this was just taxes)
Total saved $16.76
Here's what I got:
-4 bottles Nivea Men's body wash (free)
Food Lion
I don't normally go to Food Lion or even check their sale ad. Their prices tend to be higher and they do not double coupons at all, but my friend's husband works there and she let me in on this deal!! We eat a lot of cheese so any time I can stock up on it and freeze it, I do!! Especially now that I have my chest freezer!!
Total before savings $30.17
Total spent $7.00
Total saved $23.17
Here's what I got:
-10 bags Kraft Touch of Philly shredded cheese (they were $0.66 a bag!!)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kroger and Target trips
So, I ventured out today and endured the pre-holiday traffic and went out for a few last minute things. I am usually pretty good about getting all of my holiday meal groceries about a week in advance so that I don't have to venture out a day or two before, but Thanksgiving just snuck up on me this year!
Kroger Trip
Total spent $7.39
Total saved $29.83
Here's what I got:
-2 boxes Multigrain Cheerios
-2 boxes Cinnamon Toast Crunch
-4 boxes Pillsbury pie crusts
-4 pkgs. Pillsbury ready-bake cookies
Target Trip
Total before savings $28.19
Total spent $6.83
Total saved $21.36
Here's what I got:
-8 jars Heinz homestyle gravy
-1 box Quaker Life bars
-2 pks. Philly cream cheese
-2 bags Kraft shredded cheese
-2 (5lb.) bags of potatoes (they were on sale for $1.99 each, but they rang up for $0.99 each!!)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saving up pays off
We recently made a new purchase for our household. As you know, I love couponing and stocking up on things when I can get them for rock bottom prices. They only things I have not been able to stock up on are frozen items. We use a lot of frozen veggies and fruit and when we find meat for a really good price we like to stock up on it, which has been hard to do until now!
About five months ago, I asked Cary about us getting a chest freezer so that I could stock up on frozen veggies, fruit, and meats when the prices were good. I knew we could not afford it at the time, but I wanted to see how he felt about the idea. He was game for it, but not until we had the money for it. I decided to ask some friends and my mom about them and do some research for myself on prices and brands.
At the beginning of October, I asked Cary again if he thought we could get one and he told me that if I saved up the money for it, we could. So save I did!! In addition to my paychecks at Starbucks, I get tips every week. Starting the last week of September until a week ago, I saved. We usually save my tip money for going out to eat and for when we travel so we have money for food and gas and such. Since I was saving for the freezer, we didn't go out to eat, which we only go out like once a month anyway so it was easy to give up.
Once I saved all of my money, we went to Lowe's and Home Depot to see what they had. I looked at their websites, but sometimes what is online is not always what they have in the store. We picked one out at Home Depot and we remembered we had a gift card Cary's dad gave us, so that went towards the warranty part of the price. We purchased it and this past Tuesday, it was delivered! I was so excited to get it and we have already filled it!! Kroger is having a great sale on their frozen veggies this week and we bought our turkey for Thanksgiving next week.
I am so happy with it and it is a great investment for years to come as our family grows.

I decided to get this dry erase board to keep track of what we have in each freezer. That way, when we start to get low on something, I can watch for it go on sale again and stock back up. Plus, I can keep track of how long items have been in there so we can use them within the right time period.
About five months ago, I asked Cary about us getting a chest freezer so that I could stock up on frozen veggies, fruit, and meats when the prices were good. I knew we could not afford it at the time, but I wanted to see how he felt about the idea. He was game for it, but not until we had the money for it. I decided to ask some friends and my mom about them and do some research for myself on prices and brands.
At the beginning of October, I asked Cary again if he thought we could get one and he told me that if I saved up the money for it, we could. So save I did!! In addition to my paychecks at Starbucks, I get tips every week. Starting the last week of September until a week ago, I saved. We usually save my tip money for going out to eat and for when we travel so we have money for food and gas and such. Since I was saving for the freezer, we didn't go out to eat, which we only go out like once a month anyway so it was easy to give up.
Once I saved all of my money, we went to Lowe's and Home Depot to see what they had. I looked at their websites, but sometimes what is online is not always what they have in the store. We picked one out at Home Depot and we remembered we had a gift card Cary's dad gave us, so that went towards the warranty part of the price. We purchased it and this past Tuesday, it was delivered! I was so excited to get it and we have already filled it!! Kroger is having a great sale on their frozen veggies this week and we bought our turkey for Thanksgiving next week.
I am so happy with it and it is a great investment for years to come as our family grows.
I decided to get this dry erase board to keep track of what we have in each freezer. That way, when we start to get low on something, I can watch for it go on sale again and stock back up. Plus, I can keep track of how long items have been in there so we can use them within the right time period.
Connor-17 months
I love this age! Connor is constantly learning new things and is VERY curious!! He listens very well and we don't have to spank him or put him in time out very often. He has so many new words he has learned over the last two months. He can say: class, sock, car, tootsies, cat, shoe, cheerios, cracker, sit, sausage, corn, Sue (my good friend Bobbi-Sue), KK (my good friend Kari) i love you ( no one else would know this unless we pointed it out, but he makes the same sound every time we say this to him so it's not an "exact" word for word, but he knows what we are saying). We are working on grandparent names with him too. Cary's dad and step-mom will be Pepaw and Granny D and my mom and step-dad will be Grammy and Gramps. We know that granny and grammy are very similar, but those are the names we all liked.
He still sleeps very well. We put him down at 7:30pm and he usually wakes up between 7 and 7:30am, but he will let us sleep until 8am before he really starts fussing about being hungry. Once he wakes up, he will just sit up and talk to himself and walk around in his crib. As for naps, most of the time he only takes one nap a day, but sometime he will take two. He naps in the morning from 10am to 12 or 12:30pm (sometime even 1pm, if I'm lucky!) In the afternoons, around 2:30 or 3pm, I put him down in his crib for an hour or so of quiet time. Sometimes he will go to sleep and sometimes he will just talk to himself and play around. It's just a time for him to rest and sleep if he wants to and also for me to have some time to myself to clean or finish up chores I may not have finished during his morning nap time. I also want to get him used to it, so that when we have another child and they are taking naps in the afternoons, he knows it's time to be quiet and rest or play quietly in his room.
He is also a very good eater. He LOVES corn. It is by far his favorite food. He would eat corn and only corn for every meal if we would let him! He is not very picky and will eat just about anything we give him. Sometimes, we give him a new food and he will reject it and then we try again a day or two later and he will eat it. We are still staying away from nuts and seafood until he is two, just to be sure he is not allergic, but I may ask Dr. Dirk about it at his 18 month appointment next month just to see what he says about it. As for drinks, he only drinks milk and water. We use apple juice to make his oatmeal and that is all he gets. We don't eat or drink a lot of sugar and if I'm not putting it in my body, why would I put it in his? He gets milk during his meals and water the rest of the time. He is getting so much better about feeding himself. We started giving him a spoon when he was about 14 months and he mostly played with it and we would help guide it to his mouth with his hand on it so he could start to get the motion down. Since then he usually feeds himself a few bites, but we still have to help him most of the time. The other day Cary fixed his oatmeal and got him in his chair and ready to eat. He set his oatmeal on the try with the usual two spoons (one for Cary to feed him with and one for Connor to use) and then got up to turn on the radio. He turned around and Connor had already started feeding himself! Cary just let him do it and he fed himself about 2/3 of his bowl! I was at work so I didn't get to see this, but I was so proud of my boy!!
This past weekend, my mom and step-dad came to visit and be here for Connor's baby dedication at church. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

He still sleeps very well. We put him down at 7:30pm and he usually wakes up between 7 and 7:30am, but he will let us sleep until 8am before he really starts fussing about being hungry. Once he wakes up, he will just sit up and talk to himself and walk around in his crib. As for naps, most of the time he only takes one nap a day, but sometime he will take two. He naps in the morning from 10am to 12 or 12:30pm (sometime even 1pm, if I'm lucky!) In the afternoons, around 2:30 or 3pm, I put him down in his crib for an hour or so of quiet time. Sometimes he will go to sleep and sometimes he will just talk to himself and play around. It's just a time for him to rest and sleep if he wants to and also for me to have some time to myself to clean or finish up chores I may not have finished during his morning nap time. I also want to get him used to it, so that when we have another child and they are taking naps in the afternoons, he knows it's time to be quiet and rest or play quietly in his room.
He is also a very good eater. He LOVES corn. It is by far his favorite food. He would eat corn and only corn for every meal if we would let him! He is not very picky and will eat just about anything we give him. Sometimes, we give him a new food and he will reject it and then we try again a day or two later and he will eat it. We are still staying away from nuts and seafood until he is two, just to be sure he is not allergic, but I may ask Dr. Dirk about it at his 18 month appointment next month just to see what he says about it. As for drinks, he only drinks milk and water. We use apple juice to make his oatmeal and that is all he gets. We don't eat or drink a lot of sugar and if I'm not putting it in my body, why would I put it in his? He gets milk during his meals and water the rest of the time. He is getting so much better about feeding himself. We started giving him a spoon when he was about 14 months and he mostly played with it and we would help guide it to his mouth with his hand on it so he could start to get the motion down. Since then he usually feeds himself a few bites, but we still have to help him most of the time. The other day Cary fixed his oatmeal and got him in his chair and ready to eat. He set his oatmeal on the try with the usual two spoons (one for Cary to feed him with and one for Connor to use) and then got up to turn on the radio. He turned around and Connor had already started feeding himself! Cary just let him do it and he fed himself about 2/3 of his bowl! I was at work so I didn't get to see this, but I was so proud of my boy!!
This past weekend, my mom and step-dad came to visit and be here for Connor's baby dedication at church. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Kroger Mega Event
Kroger is continuing their Mega Event from last week. Since I went to Harris Teeter for my last Super Doubles trip, I went over to Kroger to pick up a few things.
Total before savings $41.92
Total spent $10.28
Total saved $31.64
Here's what I got:
-6 jars Heinz Homestyle gravy
-2 cans Carnation evaporated milk
-10 cans Swanson chicken broth
-4 cans Hormel Turkey chili with beans
-8 cans Hormel Vegetarian chili with beans
My Kroger trips are not always as good as my HT trips, but the fact that I got 30 cans of food, for only $10, I consider that a pretty good trip. We use a lot of chicken broth during the winter since we eat a lot of soup, so any time I can get those really cheap, I stock up!
Total before savings $41.92
Total spent $10.28
Total saved $31.64
Here's what I got:
-6 jars Heinz Homestyle gravy
-2 cans Carnation evaporated milk
-10 cans Swanson chicken broth
-4 cans Hormel Turkey chili with beans
-8 cans Hormel Vegetarian chili with beans
My Kroger trips are not always as good as my HT trips, but the fact that I got 30 cans of food, for only $10, I consider that a pretty good trip. We use a lot of chicken broth during the winter since we eat a lot of soup, so any time I can get those really cheap, I stock up!
Super Doubles at Harris Teeter
I know I have said this before, but I LOVE SUPER DOUBLES!!! This time I decided to do one big post of all my trips instead of posting about it three or four times.
Trip #1
I made trip #1 Wednesday morning after work. There is an HT right behind my Starbucks so it is very convenient.
Total before savings $57.30
Total spent $5.74
Total saved $51.56
Here's what I got:
-6 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-3 bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-1 bottle 7th Generation dish soap (free)
-2 bottles Simply grapefruit juice
-4 boxes Barilla Plus pasta (free)
-1 bottle Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-3 Zone Perfect bars (free)
-2 pouches Starkist tuna
-1 box Celestial Seasonings mint tea
-1 can Muir Glen tomato paste ($0.05)
-1 can Bush's Grillin beans (free)
-1 pkg. Alfresco breakfast chicken sausage (normally during SD I don't buy anything over $1, but we really like these and they are really good for you. They were not on sale, but I got them for $2, normally $4)
This was a pretty good trip. As you can see, I got a lot of things for free.
Trip #2
This one I made on Thursday morning.
Total before savings $57.91
Total spent $5.26
Total saved $52.65
Here's what I got:
-3 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-2 bottles Downy fabric softener
-2 (30oz.) bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-2 (16oz.) bottles Coffeemate creamer (free)
-6 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-1 bottle Kikkoman soy sauce
-2 bottles Mentos gum (free)
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
-2 pks. Trident Layers gum
-4 Zone Perfect bars (3 free, 1 $0.25)
Another great trip!
Trip #3
I do our weekly shopping on Friday mornings and since I was out, I stopped at HT.
Total before savings $52.34
Total spent $7.08
Total saved $45.28

Here's what I got:
-3 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-4 bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-2 boxes Quaker instant oatmeal
-4 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-1 bottle Kikkoman soy sauce
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
-4 pks. Trident Layers gum
-1 box Mrs. T's Pierogies (not pictured)
-1 pkg. Alfresco Breakfast chicken sausage (not pictured)
Trip #4
This trip was on Saturday with my friend Bobbie-Sue. She is a teacher and does not have as much time to go and do coupons like I do, so we went together so we could tag team and get her lots of stuff! Since I was already there, I got some more stuff too!
Total before savings $69.62
Total spent $6.91
Total saved $62.71
Here's what I got:
-5 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-2 bottles Wesson Vegetable oil (free)
-2 bottles Dawn Hand Renewal dish soap (free)
-2 cans Pam cooking spray (free)
-2 (32oz) cartons Swanson beef broth
-2 bottles Bailey's Coffee creamer (free)
-1 bottle French's Honey Mustard dipping sauce
-2 pkgs. Buitoni pasta (free)
-1 box Mrs. T's Pierogies
-2 pouches Starkist tuna
-2 Tic Tac packs (free)
-2 pks. Trident Layers gum
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
I know I have gotten a lot of apple juice, but it is free and we use it to make Connor's oatmeal instead of water. I'm also going to share it with a friend who no longer lives close to an HT. She does not get to do Super Doubles as much anymore and I know her girls drink apple juice.
Anytime an item is free, I will always get as many as I have coupons for, which is why I make so many trips. Well, that and the fact that HT will only double up to 20 per day and they only take three of the same type of coupon. So, when there are several free items and I have multiple coupons for each, I have to go back on a different day to use the rest of my coupons.
Trip #5
I made this trip with my friend Bobbi-Sue and her hubby Carey on Sunday after church. This trip was the best one!!
Total before savings $48.74
Total spent $0.38 (this is taxes ONLY!!!)
Total saved $48.36
Here's what I got:
-4 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-3 bottles Wesson Vegetable oil (free)
-5 cans Pam cooking spray (free)
-12 cans Hunt's tomato sauce (free)
Trip #6
I made this trip tonight to finish up my week of Super Doubles.
Total before savings $9.87
Total spent $0.07 (all taxes again)
Total saved $9.80
Here's what I got:
-2 bottles Wesson Canola oil (free)
-2 cans Hunts tomato sauce (free)
After six trips to HT and 100 coupons later, I'm ready for a break! I love doing this, but every now and then I need a break from it. I will be going to Kroger for a few things this week. They are having another mega event just like last week's, so the work of looking up deals is already done for me. I just have to get my coupons together!
Here's a sum up of my week:
Total before savings $295.78
Total spent $25.44
Total saved $270.34
This is the best I have ever done on any round of Super Doubles! I can't wait till the next one comes around!
Trip #1
I made trip #1 Wednesday morning after work. There is an HT right behind my Starbucks so it is very convenient.
Total before savings $57.30
Total spent $5.74
Total saved $51.56
Here's what I got:
-6 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-3 bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-1 bottle 7th Generation dish soap (free)
-2 bottles Simply grapefruit juice
-4 boxes Barilla Plus pasta (free)
-1 bottle Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-3 Zone Perfect bars (free)
-2 pouches Starkist tuna
-1 box Celestial Seasonings mint tea
-1 can Muir Glen tomato paste ($0.05)
-1 can Bush's Grillin beans (free)
-1 pkg. Alfresco breakfast chicken sausage (normally during SD I don't buy anything over $1, but we really like these and they are really good for you. They were not on sale, but I got them for $2, normally $4)
This was a pretty good trip. As you can see, I got a lot of things for free.
Trip #2
This one I made on Thursday morning.
Total before savings $57.91
Total spent $5.26
Total saved $52.65
Here's what I got:
-3 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-2 bottles Downy fabric softener
-2 (30oz.) bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-2 (16oz.) bottles Coffeemate creamer (free)
-6 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-1 bottle Kikkoman soy sauce
-2 bottles Mentos gum (free)
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
-2 pks. Trident Layers gum
-4 Zone Perfect bars (3 free, 1 $0.25)
Another great trip!
Trip #3
I do our weekly shopping on Friday mornings and since I was out, I stopped at HT.
Total before savings $52.34
Total spent $7.08
Total saved $45.28
Here's what I got:
-3 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-4 bottles Gain dish soap (free)
-2 boxes Quaker instant oatmeal
-4 (22ct.) boxes Kotex liners (free)
-1 bottle Kikkoman soy sauce
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
-4 pks. Trident Layers gum
-1 box Mrs. T's Pierogies (not pictured)
-1 pkg. Alfresco Breakfast chicken sausage (not pictured)
Trip #4
This trip was on Saturday with my friend Bobbie-Sue. She is a teacher and does not have as much time to go and do coupons like I do, so we went together so we could tag team and get her lots of stuff! Since I was already there, I got some more stuff too!
Total before savings $69.62
Total spent $6.91
Total saved $62.71
Here's what I got:
-5 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-2 bottles Wesson Vegetable oil (free)
-2 bottles Dawn Hand Renewal dish soap (free)
-2 cans Pam cooking spray (free)
-2 (32oz) cartons Swanson beef broth
-2 bottles Bailey's Coffee creamer (free)
-1 bottle French's Honey Mustard dipping sauce
-2 pkgs. Buitoni pasta (free)
-1 box Mrs. T's Pierogies
-2 pouches Starkist tuna
-2 Tic Tac packs (free)
-2 pks. Trident Layers gum
-3 pks. Trident Extra Care gum
I know I have gotten a lot of apple juice, but it is free and we use it to make Connor's oatmeal instead of water. I'm also going to share it with a friend who no longer lives close to an HT. She does not get to do Super Doubles as much anymore and I know her girls drink apple juice.
Anytime an item is free, I will always get as many as I have coupons for, which is why I make so many trips. Well, that and the fact that HT will only double up to 20 per day and they only take three of the same type of coupon. So, when there are several free items and I have multiple coupons for each, I have to go back on a different day to use the rest of my coupons.
Trip #5
I made this trip with my friend Bobbi-Sue and her hubby Carey on Sunday after church. This trip was the best one!!
Total before savings $48.74
Total spent $0.38 (this is taxes ONLY!!!)
Total saved $48.36
Here's what I got:
-4 bottles Old Orchard 100% apple juice (free)
-3 bottles Wesson Vegetable oil (free)
-5 cans Pam cooking spray (free)
-12 cans Hunt's tomato sauce (free)
Trip #6
I made this trip tonight to finish up my week of Super Doubles.
Total before savings $9.87
Total spent $0.07 (all taxes again)
Total saved $9.80
Here's what I got:
-2 bottles Wesson Canola oil (free)
-2 cans Hunts tomato sauce (free)
After six trips to HT and 100 coupons later, I'm ready for a break! I love doing this, but every now and then I need a break from it. I will be going to Kroger for a few things this week. They are having another mega event just like last week's, so the work of looking up deals is already done for me. I just have to get my coupons together!
Here's a sum up of my week:
Total before savings $295.78
Total spent $25.44
Total saved $270.34
This is the best I have ever done on any round of Super Doubles! I can't wait till the next one comes around!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday Night Date Night
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Kroger Mega Event Trip #2
So I stopped by Kroger again on my way home from work this morning. By the way, if you need eggs this week, Kroger has their medium dozen eggs on sale for $0.50!
Total before savings $41.55
Total spent $8.67
Total saved $32.88
Here's what I got:
-6 cans Campbell's chunky soup
-6 cans Del Monte diced tomatoes
-3 tubs Best Life butter
-2 (32oz.) containers Dannon yogurt
-2 dozen Kroger eggs
-1 pkg. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest linguine
-1 pkg. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest noodles
-1 tube Colgate toothpaste
Total before savings $41.55
Total spent $8.67
Total saved $32.88
Here's what I got:
-6 cans Campbell's chunky soup
-6 cans Del Monte diced tomatoes
-3 tubs Best Life butter
-2 (32oz.) containers Dannon yogurt
-2 dozen Kroger eggs
-1 pkg. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest linguine
-1 pkg. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest noodles
-1 tube Colgate toothpaste
Monday, November 1, 2010
Never Grow Up
Cary recently surprised me with an early Christmas present (really early I know). I love Taylor Swift! She is such an amazing artist. Not only does she write most of her own songs and play them, but she writes about real life and uses her music to tell about her own life. She just recently had a new album come out called Speak Now and I told Cary that I wanted it for Christmas. Since Starbucks was selling it, he got it for me the day it came out since we also get a 30% discount! I was so excited to listen to it. I immediately added it to my iPod so I can listen to it when I walk, and the actual CD is in my car! One of the songs on it is called Never Grow Up and it brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. I guess you have to be a mama to understand.
Never Grow Up
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight
your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
to you everything's funny
you got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have honey if you stay like that
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you
won't let no one break your heart
and no one will desert you
just try to never grow up, never grow up
You're in the car on the way to the movies
and you're mortified your mom's dropping you off
at 14 there's just so much you can't do
and you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots
but don't make her drop you off around the block
remember that she's getting older too
and don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred
and even though you want to, please try to never grow up
take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
remember the footsteps, remember the words said
and all your little brother's favorite songs
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment
in a big city, they just dropped me off
it's so much colder than I thought it would be,
so I tuck myself in turn my night light on
wish I'd never grown up, wish I'd never grown up
Oh I don't want to grow up, wish I'd never grown up
I could still be little
Oh I don't want to grow up, wish I'd never grown up
it could still be simple
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
Won't let nobody hurt you
won't let no one break your heart
and even though you want to, please try to never grow up
Oh, don't you ever grow up
Oh, never grow up
just never grow up
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight
your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
to you everything's funny
you got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have honey if you stay like that
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you
won't let no one break your heart
and no one will desert you
just try to never grow up, never grow up
You're in the car on the way to the movies
and you're mortified your mom's dropping you off
at 14 there's just so much you can't do
and you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots
but don't make her drop you off around the block
remember that she's getting older too
and don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred
and even though you want to, please try to never grow up
take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
remember the footsteps, remember the words said
and all your little brother's favorite songs
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment
in a big city, they just dropped me off
it's so much colder than I thought it would be,
so I tuck myself in turn my night light on
wish I'd never grown up, wish I'd never grown up
Oh I don't want to grow up, wish I'd never grown up
I could still be little
Oh I don't want to grow up, wish I'd never grown up
it could still be simple
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
it could stay this simple
Won't let nobody hurt you
won't let no one break your heart
and even though you want to, please try to never grow up
Oh, don't you ever grow up
Oh, never grow up
just never grow up
Fall Festival Fun 2010
Last night
, Cary, Connor and I went to Bayleaf's Fall Festival! We love this church dearly and are so proud to call Bayleaf home!
There was so much to do and see! They had inflatables, face painting, food, rock climbing, and rooms filled with different games. It was hard to get pictures of Connor because all he wanted to do was run around. He was not interested in anything else! Every time we picked him up he would cry and squirm until we put him down, so most of my time was spent chasing him around. It did make for some good exercise though!! Here are a few pics from
last night. Connor was a monkey, I was a TN Vols fan, and Cary wore his Hawiian shirt, so I'm not sure what he was going for. ;)

There was so much to do and see! They had inflatables, face painting, food, rock climbing, and rooms filled with different games. It was hard to get pictures of Connor because all he wanted to do was run around. He was not interested in anything else! Every time we picked him up he would cry and squirm until we put him down, so most of my time was spent chasing him around. It did make for some good exercise though!! Here are a few pics from
last night. Connor was a monkey, I was a TN Vols fan, and Cary wore his Hawiian shirt, so I'm not sure what he was going for. ;)
Kroger Mega Event Trip #1
Kroger is having an awesome sale this week. Probably one of the best in my opinion. It's another one of their mega events and it's on soup, stock, gravy, and baking products. Just in time for the holidays!!
Total before savings $57.09
Total spent $13.02
Total saved $44.07
Here's what I got:
-6 cans Campbell's chunky soup
-5 cans Del Monte diced tomatoes
-5 cans Campbell's cream of mushroom soup
-5 cans Campbell's cream of chicken soup
-2 cans Carnation Evaporated milk
-2 (32oz.) cartons Swanson's chicken stock
-1 (32oz.) container Dannon yogurt
-1 (100 ct.) box Melitta coffee filters
-1 (12 ct.) box Finish Quantum dishwasher packs
-2 (24 ct.) bags Ricola cough drops (free)
Total before savings $57.09
Total spent $13.02
Total saved $44.07
Here's what I got:
-6 cans Campbell's chunky soup
-5 cans Del Monte diced tomatoes
-5 cans Campbell's cream of mushroom soup
-5 cans Campbell's cream of chicken soup
-2 cans Carnation Evaporated milk
-2 (32oz.) cartons Swanson's chicken stock
-1 (32oz.) container Dannon yogurt
-1 (100 ct.) box Melitta coffee filters
-1 (12 ct.) box Finish Quantum dishwasher packs
-2 (24 ct.) bags Ricola cough drops (free)
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