The first picture is from my Kroger trips, three to be exact. Last weekend Kroger ran a 4 day special of 50% off General Mills Cereals and this week they were having another Mega Event. They do these periodically and I don't always participate, it depends on what items are included and what coupons I have for additional savings. All of these items are from those two sales.
Total before savings- $79.42
Total after savings- $31.93 (this is what I paid out of pocket)
Total saved- $47.49
Here's what I got:
-3 boxes Cheerios
-2 boxes FiberOne Cereal
-1 box Honey Nut Cheerios
-2 bags Chex Mix
-3 boxes Kleenex plus lotion
-3 boxes Old El Paso taco shells
-7 boxes Hamburger Helper
-3 Betty Crocker Warm Delights Minis
-2 boxes Fiber One chewy bars
-2 four pks. Yoplait Delight yogurt
-6 cans Del Monte diced tomatoes
-8 pouches Bumble Bee Light tuna
-1 Smart Balance sour cream
The second picture is from my two Harris Teeter trips. They are doing super doubles this week. For those of you who don't know what that means, they will double your coupons up to $1.98! For example, if you have a coupon that says save a $1.50 on (product name) then Harris Teeter will double that to $3.00 off of that product!! It's amazing and if you get the products that are already on sale or buy one get one free and you have coupons for them, you can get them for REALLY cheap!
Total before savings- $114.33
Total after savings- $34 (this is what I paid out of pocket)
Total savings- $80.33
Here's what I got:
-4 jars Ragu pasta sauce
-2 bottles Lysol toilet bowl cleaners
-2 canisters Lysol Disinfecting wipes
-2 bottles Windex glass cleaner
-2 boxes Ziploc sandwich bags
-2 pks. of 2 Ziploc containers
-2 cans of Damp Rid (these are for my mom)
-2 cans Skintimate shave gel
-1 bottle Clorox2
-2 tubes Colgate toothpaste
-2 four pks. Danonino yogurt (I feed these to Connor)
-2 four pks. Yoplait Fiber One yogurt
-1 pk. Always pads
-2 bags Chips A Hoy chewy cookies
-2 bags Kraft Homestyle mac n cheese
-3 bottles Frank's hot sauce
-1 bottles Frank's sweet chili sauce
-2 bags Sargento shredded cheese
-1 box Tornadoes snack burritos
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