My little boy is not a baby anymore, he's one! This first year of his life has been amazing! Cary and I have learned so much and Connor continues to amaze us everyday! Here are a few highlights of how he is growing (some are recent and some a from a few weeks ago):
-We have completely switched him over from bottle to sippy cup.
-He is still not walking completely on his own, but he will take 5 or 6 steps before he loses his balance.
-He now has 6 teeth that are all the way in and he has two more that have just broken through as of today.
-He is such a good eater. He loves his veggies, but even more so, he loves fruit. He also eats cheerios, goldfish, and puffs.
-Still sleeping through the night. He goes to bed about 7:30-8pm and wakes up between 7-730am.
-He has gotten very vocal just in the last two months. I can tell that he is trying to say certain words when we say them, but they are not clear just yet.
-At his one year app. he was 20lbs. 5oz. and 29 and 3/4 in. long. He has grown 4 inches in 3 months!
We also had a small party here for him before we went home to my mom's and then to Jackson to see family. Here are some pictures from all of our journeys. Enjoy!
The first three are some that my good friend Ashley took for us.

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