A two year old Connor:

-I must brag on my boy for a minute and give reason #682 of why we love Dr. Dirk Hamp at Growing Child. We had a really good two year old appointment. He was 28lbs. and 34in. tall. As always, Dr. Dirk said he was growing and doing just fine. Right before we left he said, "Some names you see on your schedule and you just know it's going to be a good visit."
-Connor is eating pretty well these days. Most of the time he will eat what we eat, but sometimes, his picky side comes out and he refuses. His faves are almost all fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese (any kind, even goat), pasta, yogurt, salad, salsa, and much more.

-His favorite toys are his two soccer balls, his toy laptop we got his for his birthday, his Cars chair, another birthday present.
-He still loves to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. He also loves The Weather Channel, History Channel, and TLC. I watch TWC every morning while I drink my coffee and now Connor requests it. So funny how they love the things we love.
-He is still testing his boundaries every day, but we hardly ever have to put him in time out anymore.

He has tons of energy and we have so much fun with him!
Pictures taken by Ashley Bruner kabphotographyforyou@gmail.com